Homework Policy
teaching and learning program.
It provides students with the opportunity to develop positive life long learning habits as well as reinforcing the importance of responsibility and independence.
Edgewater Primary School Homework Policy
These guidelines sit within the context of the Department of Education's Policy for homework which is available here.
Communication Plan
Communication between home and school and school and home is an important aspect of our parents as partners strategy.
The school has produced a Communication Plan which has been endorsed by the School Board and ratified by the school staff.
Edgewater Primary School Communication Plan
Supporting Positive Behaviour Plan
Department of Education schools provide every student with the educational support they need to learn and maintain positive behaviour.
The Supporting Positive Behaviour Plan has been designed in accordance with the Department’s Policy and Guidelines. At Edgewater Primary School our aim is to maintain a culture in the school where students are actively engaged in the curriculum and feel cared for by school staff and develop a sense of belonging to the school.
Our plan highlights positive relationships between staff, students and the wider community characterised by trust, mutual respect and tolerance. Our focus is to teach students to take responsibility for their own behaviour and to have respect for the rights of others.
Edgewater Primary School Supporting Positive Behaviour Plan
Sandalone Bushfire Plan
Edgewater Primary School has been placed on the Department of Education Bushfire Zone Register, as it is located in a designated bushfire risk area.
In the event of a bushfire, school personnel will initiate the Standalone Bushfire Plan. Text messages will be sent to parents to communicate our response to any potential bushfire threats.
As part of our preparation and planning, students will learn about fire safety in class and our school will regularly practice on site evacuation procedures.
Please keep the school informed of any changes to mobile numbers and contact details.
Copyright Edgewater Primary School