
Edgewater Primary School is extremely fortunate to have been involved in the National Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Programme funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.


The School Chaplaincy Programme is voluntary and supported by the school’s governing body and community. If a school and its community chooses to establish or maintain school chaplaincy services, parents and students can choose to participate in the programme - that is, it is provided on a voluntary basis.


The nature of the chaplaincy services to be provided, including the religious affiliation of the school chaplain, is decided by the school and its community.


A chaplaincy programme is an optional service introduced into a public school to provide students, staff, parents and carers with support which may or may not have a religious and/or spiritual component. Chaplaincy services provide an additional adult role model in schools.


A school’s chaplaincy programme complements other support services in the school such as those offered by the School Psychologist.  A chaplaincy service is not a counselling service.


Chaplaincy programs are compatible with policies and practices that apply to the delivery of any service in a multi-faith and multicultural state school community. A chaplaincy programme is inclusive of, and shows respect for, all religious and non-religious beliefs and other stances represented in the school community.  All activities and events provided within a chaplaincy programme are non-discriminatory and equitably available to students of all beliefs who choose to participate.


School chaplains make a valuable contribution to the social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of school communities across Western Australia. This might include support and guidance about ethics, values, relationships and spiritual issues, and helping students engage with the broader community. They are part of the school’s pastoral care team.


Our school chaplain, Michelle Kipps, is supported by Youthcare and is at school on Mondays and Wednesdays in 2023. Apart from running a strong and effective pastoral care programme, Michelle supports the well-being of students on both an informal and formal basis.


She is available for appointments with parents and carers if required, and can be contacted through the school office on 6207 3200.


Copyright Edgewater Primary School